Although there’s no cure for ADHD, with expert treatment at Advanced Psychiatric Associates, children and adults affected by this condition can learn to overcome many of their difficulties. Treatments available include:
The use of stimulant medications is key in treating ADHD. Stimulants help to improve focus and concentration while reducing the severity of problematic behaviors.
Behavior therapy
Behavior therapy helps your child understand why their thought processes and behaviors differ so greatly from most of the people around them. The Advanced Psychiatric Associates team offers practical solutions that enable you to adjust unwanted behaviors to improve everyday life.
Diet and lifestyle
A healthy diet and lifestyle are vital to optimal treatment success. You may need to make changes to your child’s diet to ensure they have all the micronutrients they need, as well as encourage them to exercise more and help them find ways to manage stress.
Advanced Psychiatric Associates delivers personalized treatment based on these three approaches, which have proven to be effective. To benefit from their expertise, call the office or book an appointment online today.